Family Therapy

Family is like a mobile, flowing in the breeze.

One person’s changes affect all other parts of the mobile. That one person is not expected to change.

Generally, everybody else needs to adjust accordingly.

A better scenario is when all parts harmonize by working together.

Therapy helps keep the family from flapping in the breeze.

Being heard by all is required.

Therapy emphasizes the importance of personal responsibility for one’s feelings and behavior.

Although there is one “identified client,” family therapy includes discussions about how the problem (not the person) affects family functioning and individuals.

All participants are given the opportunity to both encourage change and feel like they are really being listened to.

Positive communication is a necessity.

Roles, such as firefighter, mediator, scapegoat, victim, or abuser, may be discussed honestly and openly to produce change.

Communication styles can be explored to strengthen family bonds and heal past grievances.

A healthy family communicates positively.

Healthy boundaries and increasing positive interactions are the main goals of family therapy.

We all have attachment injuries, and sometimes toxic relationships are identified.

Family dynamics create lasting generational changes.

Family therapy is over when we change the dynamics: We know when we will not trans-generationally pass down inherited trauma to our children or our children’s children.

“If mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy!”

Family therapists are like wizards. They can help keep not only ‘mama’ happy, but the whole family happy.

Let us help your mobile flow in the same direction, a positive one.

Call (959)210-6800 or complete the contact form below.