rainbow in the sky

LGBTQ Therapy

a couple cooking together

Do You Just Want To Be Yourself And Feel Accepted?

  • Are you tired of feeling like you are “less than” or somehow defective just for being who you are? 
  • Does it seem like you are treated differently at work, your kid’s school (by other parents), or basically anywhere outside of the LGBTQ community?

Perhaps you have loving friends and family that support you, but they can’t seem to really grasp what it’s like to be told who you can love and how you can identify. 

Or maybe you’re looking to LGBTQ therapy because you don

The LGBTQ Community Faces Uniquely Powerful Challenges

For instance, you may have been harassed, bullied, or attacked in the past, which has left you wary and fearful of other people. Social signals embedded in the media and our political landscape can make you feel unloved and unvalued.

You may be so worried about showing affection or simply being yourself in public that you’re adopting heteronormative, cis-gendered behaviors and mannerisms to fit in. You may even be struggling with internalized homophobia—so you question your choice of partners, avoid emotional connections, or just feel ashamed for who you are.

Being a member of the LGBTQIA+ community comes with a lot of challenges, but there is help available from people who believe you deserve to be loved and accepted as you are. With the support of an LGBTQ therapist, it is possible to heal, love yourself, and navigate this world with resilience.

holding hands with a rainbow reflection

Have A Question? Send Us A Message!

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Many People Within The LGBTQ Population Struggle

Historically, most cultures have reduced sexuality and gender to a binary status, overlooking the fact that a relevant portion of the world’s population identifies as non-heterosexual. Despite this, life for gay, trans, and non-binary folks is often fraught with more stress, anxiety, and loneliness than that of their heteronormative, cis-gendered counterparts.

The LGBTQ community is regularly the target of hate speech, biased media, online bullying, and physical assaults. 

2 girls looking at a view of a meadow

Religious, political, and cultural differences foster divisiveness and discrimination in nearly every aspect of our society. Some people’s efforts are even intentionally designed to dehumanize and disenfranchise the LGBTQ community.

All of these stressors underscore the importance of therapy and explain why the LGBTQ community experiences higher rates of depression, anxiety, and other mental wellness challenges. Fortunately, working with a gay-affirming, LGBTQ counselor gives you an understanding ally who can offer you unconditional support and unbiased guidance on your journey toward healing.

2 dads spending time with their daughter

LGBTQ Therapy Focuses On Healing, Growth, and Self-Compassion

Many people within the LGBTQ population feel alienated and marginalized by society—causing a lot of trauma, shame, and fear inside—which is why therapy can be especially helpful. Working with an LGBTQ counselor gives you a safe space where you can unload that pain, heal your wounds, and discover what truly makes you happy.

Therapy offers you a chance to explore your thoughts, emotions, and personal values while getting to the core of what’s causing you distress. It also equips you with powerful tools and strategies for reducing stress, overcoming adversity, and managing symptoms regardless of what you may be experiencing.

What You Can Expect In LGBTQ Counseling Sessions

To get started, we’ll invite you to share your story and express any thoughts, feelings, and concerns that are causing you distress. You and your therapist can talk about:

  • What brings you to therapy?
  • How long have these things been an issue?
  • What do you ideally want to achieve through LGBTQ counseling?

Because the past often informs the present, we’ll explore aspects of your upbringing, your family life, and any past trauma or relational wounding that may be causing problems now. Then, we can work on resolving external stressors, setting goals, and healing the underlying factors at the heart of what’s really going on.

a couple spending time together

How We Approach LGBTQ Therapy

a girl with a rainbow reflecting on her eye

Every person’s situation is different, and what may work for some may not work for others. That’s why it’s important to tailor therapy sessions to each individual’s needs. Oftentimes, that means drawing from a range of modalities and psychotherapeutic strategies so that we can address things from multiple angles.

However, the greatest tool at a therapist’s disposal is their ability to provide a safe, nonjudgmental space where people can simply be themselves. Having someone who can listen deeply and truly understand can open up doors to healing that coping strategies can’t afford. 

Building self-awareness, having someone to confide in, and learning how to love and accept oneself has the inestimable power to help people heal and become their best selves. 

So whether you need guidance for navigating relationships, societal forces, or mental health challenges, LGBTQ therapy can transform your suffering into healing and growth. Although it may seem like change is out of reach, with a little time, patience, and support, you really can break out of unproductive cycles, heal old wounds, and discover a new way of being.

Perhaps You’re Considering LGBTQ Therapy But Still Have Concerns…

Will sharing my story make me feel worse?

Although therapy can involve looking at painful thoughts, feelings, or experiences, a trained LGBTQ therapist can help you explore these things in a safe, contained way. Your therapist will also provide you with evidence-based strategies for regulating your emotions so you don’t become overwhelmed. That being said, you are the one who is ultimately in control, so anytime you need to take a step back you can.

Are LGBTQ therapy sessions confidential?

Anything we talk about in sessions is completely confidential. After all, the most crucial part of the healing process is building a therapeutic relationship of trust and connection. You can’t enjoy that experience if you are worried about people divulging information. That’s why the discussions we have and the insight that therapy reveals is yours—and only yours—to do with as you please.

I’m worried that I will be judged.

A good therapist’s job is to meet you where you are and certainly never to judge or blame you for anything. Therapy is intended to be a safe space where you can be yourself—where you’ll find compassion, understanding, and unconditional support. So whatever you are experiencing, rest assured that there are people who understand and want nothing more than to help you feel better.

Your Journey Toward Healing Can Start Right Here

If you are looking to discover a lighter, more empowered way of being yourself, LGBTQ therapy can help you find your way. Please contact us to see how working with an LGBTQ therapist can empower you to heal, grow as a person, and love yourself unapologetically.