Adjustment Disorders

Adjusting to life’s transitions is challenging.

Based on life circumstances and the nature of change, practically anyone could be diagnosed with an adjustment disorder.

Life can throw you a curve ball – and being resilient to life’s transitions is not always straightforward.

Transitions are not easy and typically come with shifting emotions and stress.

And shifting emotions have many manifestations.

Shifting emotions in response to transitions create problems that can influence your mental health.

These mental health problems can be accompanied by anxiety, depression, conduct issues, or a combination of these symptoms.

Speaking with a counselor helps by processing thoughts AND feelings before mental health symptoms worsen.

Counseling provides support.

When symptoms have not lasted more than six months and there is a major (or minor) life transition, counseling can really help by positively supporting and reinforcing changes in support of clients achieving their goals.

This type of therapy is like life coaching, with an emphasis on pro-social coping skills.

Goals are set and achievement measured.

Progress is measured by setting and reaching *S.M.A.R.T. goals.

*S.M.A.R.T. goals – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Reaching, Time-sensitive

Be smart – Let us help.

Through counseling, we can help you through those challenging transitions.

Partner with us, so together we can establish and achieve positive goals.

Contact us today by completing the contact form below or calling (959)210-6800.